Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 45
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That Time Segment 45, version 1 (MS-UoR-1477-1, f. 08r)
or alone in the same places scenes wherever whatever
they might be talking xx making it up
that way to keep going keep it going
alone on the edge of the stone for example
with the wheat and sky or stock still on the
towpath with the ghosts of the towmules
watching the dead drowned rat or bird or
whatever it was floating off into
the sunset watching it out of sight
and standing or then stock still nothing
moving only the water and the sun
going down till it went down &
you vanished all vanished

That Time Segment 45, version 2 (MS-UoR-1477-2, f. 04r)
in the same alone in the same scenes whatever they might be making it up
that way to keep going keep it going keep it out alone on the edge
of the stone for example with the wheat and azure or stock still
on the towpath with the ghosts of the towmules watching the drowned
rat or bird whatever it was floating off into the sunset till it
was out of sight stock still nothing moving only the water and
the sun going down till it went down and you vanished all vanished
That Time Segment 45, version 3 (MS-UoR-1477-3, f. 06r)
alone -- or alone in the same the same
scenes alone wherever they
might be making it up that
way to keep going keep it going keep it out on the stone
for example alone aton the end
of the stone with the wheat
and blue or stock still on
the towpath with the ghosts
of the twomules tow mules
watching the drowned rat or
bird or whxatever it was floating off into the sunset till
you could see it no more
stock still nothing moving
only the water and the sun
going down till it went down
and you vanished all vanished
when was that [0045|001]
Silence. [0045|002]
10 seconds. [0045|003]
Faint sound of breathing. [0045|004]
After 3
seconds eyes open

That Time Segment 45, version 4 (MS-UoR-1477-4, f. 02r)
or alone in the same the same
scenes alone wherever they might be making it up that way to keep
going keep it going keep it out on the stone for example alone on
the end of the stone with the wheat and blue or or stock still on
the towpath with the ghosts of the mules watching the drowned rat
or bird or whatever it was floating off into the sunset till you
could see it no more stock still nothing moving only the water and
the sun going down till it went down and you vanished all vanished

That Time Segment 45, version 5 (MS-UoR-1477-5, f. 04r)
or alone in the same the same scenes alone wherever they might be
making it up that way to keep going keep it going keep it out
on the stone for example alone on the end of the stone with the
wheat and the blue or on the towpath st

That Time Segment 45, version 6 (MS-UoR-1477-5, f. 05r)
or alone in the same the same scenes alone wherever it might be
making it up that way[⁁] to keep going keep it going keep it out on the
stone for example alone on the end of the stone with the wheat and
blue blue or the towpath alone on the towpath with the ghosts
of the mules watching the drowned rat or bird or whatever it was
floating off into the sunset till you could see it no more nothing
moving only the water and the sun going down till it went down
and you vanished all vanished

That Time Segment 45, version 7 (MS-UoR-1477-6, f. 06r)
or alone in the same the same scenes making it up that
way to keep going keep it going keep it out on the stone
for example alone on the end of the stone with the wheat a
and blue or the towpath alone on the towpath with the
ghosts of the mules watching the drowned rat or bird or
whatever it was floating off into the sunset till you
could see it no more nothing stirring only the water and
the sun going down till it went down and you vanished all

That Time Segment 45, version 8 (MS-UoR-1477-10, f. 03r)
or alone in the same the same scenes making it up that way
to keep going keep it going keep it out on the stone alone
on the end of the stone with the wheat and blue or the towpath alone on the towpath with the ghosts of the mules the
drowned rat or bird or whatever it was floating off into the
sunset till you could see it no more nothing stirring only
the water and the sun going down till it went down and you
vanished all vanished

That Time Segment 45, version 10 (MS-UoR-1477-9, f. 03r)
or alone in the same the same scenes making it up that way
to keep going keep it going keep it out on the stone alone
on the end of the stone with the wheat and blue or the towpath alone on the towpath with the ghosts of the mules the
drowned rat or bird or whatever it was floating off into the
sunset till you could see it no more nothing stirring only
the water and the sun going down till it went down and you
vanished all vanished

That Time Segment 45, version 11 (MS-UoR-1477-7, f. 04r)
or alone in the same the same scenes making it up that way to
keep going keep it goinxg keep it out on the stone (eyes close) alone on the
end of the stone with the wheat and blue or the towpath alone
on the towpath with the ghosts of the mules the drowned rat or
bird or whatever it was floating off into the sunset till you
could see it no more nothing stirring only the water and the
sun going down till it went down and you vanished all vanished

That Time Segment 45, version 12 (MS-UoR-1477-8, f. 05r)
or alone in the same the same scenes making it up
that way to keep it going keep it out on the stone
(eyes close) alone on the end of the stone with the
wheat and blue or the towpath alone on the towpath
with the ghosts of the mules the drowned rat or bird
or whatever it was floating off into the sunset till
yous you could see it no more nothing stirring only
the water and the sun going down till it went down
and you vanished all vanished

That Time Segment 45, version 13 (MS-BC-1991001-13-4, f. 06r)
or alone in the same the same scenes making it up that way to keep it going keep it out on the stone (eyes close) alone on the end of the stone with the wheat and blue or the towpath alone on the towpath with the ghosts of the mules the drowned rat or bird or whatever it was floating off into the sunset till you could see it no more nothing stirring only the water and the sun going down till it went down and you vanished all vanished
That Time Segment 45, version 14 (Faber & Faber 1976, p. 14)
[B:] or alone in the same the same scenes making it up that way to keep it going keep it out on the stone (eyes close) alone on the end of the stone with the wheat and blue or the towpath alone on the towpath with the ghosts of the mules the drowned rat or bird or whatever it was floating off into the sunset till you could see it no more nothing stirring only the water and the sun going down till it went down and you vanished all vanished

Cette fois Segment 45, version 15 (MS-UoR-1657-1, f. 05r)
ou seul dans les mêmes les mêmes
scènes l'inventant ainsi histoire
de faire durer te garer du vide sur
la pierre (yeux se ferment) seul
sur au
bout de la pierre les blés l'azur
ou le halage seul sur le halage avec
les mules fantômes le rat et le rat
noyé ou l'oiseau bestiole quelconque
xxi emporté peu à px peu dans xx
soleil couchan les feux du couchant
hors de ta vue et rien qui bouge
sinon l'eau et le soleil qui se
couche jusqu'à ce qu'il se couche
et que toi tu disparaisse que tout

Cette fois Segment 45, version 16 (MS-UoR-1657-2, f. 05r)
ou seul dans les mêmes les mêmes scènes l'inventant
ainsi l'inventant ici ainsi (cf C. 7)
pour histoire de faire durer tenir contenir le vide
sur la pierre (les yeux se ferment, légère baisse de l'éclairage) seul au bout de la pierre
les blés l'azur ou le halage seul sur le halage avec
les mules fantômes et le rat cr noyé ou l' peut-être un oiseau bestiole
quelconque emporte peu à peu s'en allant au fil de l'eau s'en allant dans les feux du couchant lentement
hors de ta vue et rien qui bouge sinon l'eau et le
soleil qui se couche meurt se mourant jusqu'à ce qu'il se couche et que
toi tu disparaisse meure disparaisse et toi avec tout avec toi disparu avec que toyt tout disparaisse

Cette fois Segment 45, version 17 (MS-UoR-1657-3, f. 06r)
ou seuls dans les mêmes les mêmes scènes l'inventant ainsi histoire
de tenir contenir le vide sur la pierre (les yeux se ferment,
légère baisse de l'éclairage) seul au bout de la pierre avec les
blés l'azur ou le halage seul sur le halage avec les mules
fantômes et le rat noyé
à moins d'être un ou l'oiseau qui sait bestiole
quelconque au fil de l'eau s'en allant dans les feux du
couchant lentement hors de ta vue rien qui bouge sinon
l'eau et le soleil se mourant jusqu'à ce qu'il meure disparaisse et toi avec tout avec

Cette fois Segment 45, version 18 (MS-UoR-3628, f. 16r)
ou seul dans les mêmes scènes l'inventant ainsi histoire de tenir contenir le vide sur la pierre (les yeux se ferment, légère baisse de l'éclairage) seul au bout de la pierre avec les blés l'azur ou le halage seul sur le halage avec les mules fantômes et le rat noyé ou l'oiseau qui sait bestiole quelconque au fil de l'eau s'en allant dans les feux du couchant lentement hors de ta vue rien qui bouge sinon l'eau et le soleil se mourant jusqu'à ce qu'il meure disparaisse et toi avec tout avec
Cette fois Segment 45, version 19 (Minuit 1978, p. 19)
[B:] ou seul dans les mêmes scènes l'inventant ainsi histoire de tenir contenir le vide sur la pierre (les yeux se ferment, légère baisse de l'éclairage) seul au bout de la pierre avec les blés l'azur ou le halage seul sur le halage avec les mules fantômes et le rat noyé ou l'oiseau qui sait bestiole quelconque au fil de l'eau s'en allant dans les feux du couchant lentement hors de ta vue rien qui bouge sinon l'eau et le soleil se mourant jusqu'à ce qu'il meure disparaisse et toi avec tout avec