Digital Manuscript ProjectFootfalls / Pas

M [0045] Rearrange your pillows? [0046] (Pause.) [0047] Change your draw- [0062] V [0063] Yes, but It is [0064] Pause.
sheet? [0048] (Pause.) [0049] Pass you the urinal? [0050] (Pause.) [0051] The
bedpan? [0052] (Pause.) [0053] Dress your sores? [0054] (Pause.) [0055] Sponge you down? [0056] [(P.)] [0057] Moisten yr. lips. [0057|001] Tell
you bedtime story?Pause.[all] too soon.
V [0107] M continues pacing., [0108] say about 2 lengths after about 5 [secs]. [0109] Fade out on strip.
[0110] All in darkness. [0111] Steps silent. [0112] Long pause.
[0113] Sound a little fainter
[0115] Fade up a little dimmer on strip. [0116] Rest in darkness.
[0117] M facing f M standing front at .
[0118] Pause.
[0123] At nightfall. [0124] (Pause.) [0125] My voice is in her head. [0126] (Pause.)
[0127] She thinks she is alone. [0128] (Pause.) [0129] See how still she
stands., [⁁]with her face to the wall.[⁁] [0130] (Pause.) [0131] How calm, outwardly unmoved. [0132] (Pause.) [0133] She has
not been out since girlhood. [0134] (Pause.) [0135] She hears in her
head, She has not been out since girlhood. [0136] (Pause.) [0137] Not
out since girlhood. [0138] (Pause.) [0139] Where is she, it may be
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
Footfalls / Pas © 2022 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: James Little and Vincent Neyt