Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
L'Innommable / The Unnamable


Segment 1

[0466] out, with my eyes my hair, without leaving a trace, fallen so
far so deep that I heard nothing, perhaps are falling still,
my hair slowly like soot still, of the fall of my ears heard
[0467] []Mean words, and needless, from the mean old spirit, I invented love,
music, the smell of flowering currant, to escape from me.

Segment 2

[0468] Organs, a without, it's easy to imagine, others, a God, it's
unavoidable, you imagine them, it's easy, the worst is dulled,
you doze away, an instant.
[0469] Yes, God, fomenter of calm, I
never believed, not an instant.
[0470] I shall make no more pauses
[0471] Can I keep nothing then, nothing of what has borne
my poor thouhgts , bent beneath my words, while I hid?

Segment 3

[0472] I'll
dry these streaming sockets too, bung them []up, there, it's
done, no more tears, I'm a big talking ball, talking about
things that do not exist, or that exist perhaps, impossible to know,
beside the point.
[0473] Ah yes, quick let me change my tune.[0474] And after
all why a ball, rather than something else, and why big?

Segment 4

[0475] Why
not a cylinder, a small cylinder?
[0476] An egg, a medium egg?
[0477] No no, that's the old nonsense, I always knew I was round, solid
and round, without daring to say so, no asperities,, no openings
, invisible perhaps, or as vast as Sirius in the Great Dog,
these expressions mean nothing.

Segment 5

[0478] All that matters is that I am
hard[ 2] and round[ 1], there must be reasons for that, for
my being hard[ 2] and round[ 1] rather than of some irregular shape and
subject to the dents and bulges incident to shock
but I have done with reasons.
All the rest I renounce
, including this ridiculous black which I thought for

Segment 6

[0479] All the rest I renounce
, including this ridiculous black which I thought for

  • Segments