Digital Manuscript ProjectL'Innommable / The Unnamable

[1603] end, Worm no longer is.[1604] We know it, but we don't say it, we
say it's the awakening, the beginning of Worm, for now we must
speak, and speak of Worm.[1605] It's no longer he, but let us proceed
as if it were still he, he at last, who hears, and trembles, and is delivered
over, to affliction, and the struggle to withstand it, the
starting eye, the labouring mind.
[1606] Yes, let us call that thing
Worm, so as to exclaim, the sleight of hand accomplished, Oh
look, life again, life evrywhere and always, the life that is
on every tongue, the only possible![1607] Poror Worm, who thought he
was digfferent, there he is in the madhouse for life the duration life.[1608] Where am I?
[1609] That is my first question, after a life [⁁] an eternity age of listening?.[1610] From it,
when it hasn't be answered, I'll rebound towards
iothers, of a
more personal nature, much later.
[1611] Perhaps I'll end up, before
returning to regaining my coma, by thinking of myself as living, technically
speaking.[1612] But let us proceed with method.[1613] I shall do my best, as
always, since I cannot do otherwise.[1614] I shall submit, more corpse-
obliging than ever.[1615] I shall t shall transmit the words as receiv-
ed, by the ear, or roared through a trumpet into the arsehole,
in all their purity, and in the qsame order, as far as possible.
[1616] This infinitesimal hesitation, between the arrival and the de-
parture, this slight delay in the matter of evacuation, is all
I have to worry about.[1617] The truth about me will boil forth at
last, and scald me, provided they don't start stuttering again.[1618] I listen.
[1619] Ehnough procrastination.[1620] I'm Worm, that is to say I am no longer
he, since suddenly I hear.[1621] But I'll forget that in the heat of
misery, I'll forget I am no longer Worm, but a kind of tenth-rate
Toussaint Louverture, that's what they counting on.
[1622] Worm then
I catch this sound that will never stop, monotonous beyond
[sxx] words, and yet not altorgether devoid of a certain variety.
At the end of I know not what eternity, they don't say, this has
sufficiently exasperated my intelligence for it to grasp that
the nuisance is a voice and that, in this the realm of nature, in which I may
flatter myself already I have a foot
, there are has other noises to
[⁁] offer which are even more unpleasant, which and will not fail to make themselves heard before
long. Don't
[1623] At the end of I know not what eternity, they don't say, this has
sufficiently exasperated my intelligence for it to grasp that
the nuisance is a voice and that, in this the realm of nature, in which I may
flatter myself already I have a foot
, there are has other noises to
[⁁] offer which are even more unpleasant, which and will not fail to make themselves heard before
long. Don't
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L'Innommable / The Unnamable © 2013 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Shane Weller and Vincent Neyt