Digital Manuscript ProjectKrapp's Last Tape / La Dernière Bande

[0022] Crapp sits a moment motionless, looks at his watch, feels in his
waistcoat pockets, takes out a small bunch takes out an envelope,
puts it back, feels, takes out a small bunch of keys, h
raises it close to his eyes, chooses a key, gets up and moves to
front of table.
[0023] He stoops, unlocks a drawer, peers into it,
feels about inside it, closes it, locks it, opens the other,
peers into it, feels about inside, takes out a large banana . [place = overwritten] , He locks draw closes and locks drawer, puts keys back
in his pocket.[0024] He turns, advances to edge of stage, [place = supralinear] halts, shows the audience the [place = margin right] holds out banana for audience to see, [place = supralinear] peels it [place = overwritten] banana banana, droops
the skin, bites off the end sucks the end
puts the end of the banana in his mouth, staring
vacuously before him.
[0025] He turns aside and starts
walking to and fro at edge of stage, eating banana in light, i.e. not more than
and meditating x4 paces 4 or five paces in either direction, eating
banana and meditation.
[0026] He treads on skin, slips,
nearly falls, recovers himself, pushes skin with his
foot over edge of stage into pit,
[0027] resumes his pacing,
finishes banana, retu returns to table, opens wrong [place = margin right] takes keys from his pocket, raises them to his eyes,
[place = margin left] chooses key, un unlocks and opens wrong drawer, peers and feels inside,
locks it, unlocks and opens other drawer, takes out a
second banana, locks drawer, x puts keys back in his pocket,
turns, advances to x edge of stage, peels banana, puts skin
in his pocket, puts the end of banana in his mouth, staring
vacuously before him.
[0028] He has a sudden idea, drops banana
at his feet, turns and goes backstage into dark.
[0029] Ten seconds.[0030] Loud pop of cork.[0031] Ten seconds.[0032] He comes back
into light, sits down at table. wiping his mouth, sits down
at table.[0033] He wipes his mouth, wipes his hands
on his waistcoat, brings them smartly together,
rubs them them together.
[0034] (briskly)[0035] Ah![0036] (He bends over ledger, turns the pages,
finds the entry he wants, reads.)[0036|001] Etc
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
Krapp's Last Tape / La Dernière Bande © 2015 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle and Vincent Neyt