Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Krapp's Last Tape / La Dernière Bande


Segment 1

[0025] begins pacing to and fro at edge of stage, in the light, i.e. not more
than four or five paces either way, meditatively eating banana.
[0026] He
treads on skin, slips, nearly falls, recovers himself, stoops and peers
at skin and finally pushes it, still stooping, with his foot over edge of
stage into pit.

Segment 2

[0027] He resumes his pacing, finishes banana, returns to
table, sits down, remains a moment motionless, heaves a great sigh,
takes keys from his pockets, raises them to his eyes, chooses key,
gets up and moves to front of table, unlocks second drawer, takes out
a second large banana, peers at it, locks drawer, puts back keys in
his pocket, turns, advances to edge of stage, halts, strokes banana,
peels it, tosses skin into pit, puts end of banana in his mouth and
remains motionless, staring vacuously before him.

Segment 3

[0028] Finally he has an
idea, puts banana in his waistcoat pocket, the end emerging, and goes
with all the speed he can muster backstage into darkness.
[0029] Ten
[0030] Loud pop of cork.[0031] Fifteen seconds.[0032] He comes back into
light carrying an old ledger and sits down at table.
[0033] He lays ledger on
table, wipes his mouth, wipes his hands on the front of his waistcoat,
brings them smartly together and rubs them.

Segment 4

[0034] (briskly.)[ ][0035] Ah![0036] (He bends over ledger, turns the pages, finds
the entry he wants, reads.
[0037] Box...thrree...spool...
[0038] (He raises his head and stares front. [0039] With relish.)

Segment 5

[0040] Spool![0041] (Pause.)[0042] Spooool![0043] (Happy smile.[0044] Pause.[0045] He bends
over table, starts peering and poking at the boxes.
[0046] Box
) nine! good God!! the little
[0047] (He takes up box, peers at it.)[0048] Box thrree.[0049] (He
lays it on table, opens it and peers at spools inside.

Segment 6

[0050] Spool...(he peers at ledger)...five...(he peers at
)...five...five...ah! the little scoundrel!
[0051] (He
takes out a spool, peers at it.
[0052] Spool five.[0053] (He lays it on
table, closes box three, puts it back with the others, takes
up the spool.
[0054] Box thrree, spool five.[0055] (He bends over the
machine, looks up.
[0056] With relish.)[0057] Spooool![0058] (Happy smile.
[0059] He bends, loads spool on machine, rubs his hands.)[0060] Ah!

Segment 7

[0061] (He peers at ledger, reads entry at foot of page.)[0062] Mother
at rea[]st at last....
[0063] Hm....[0064] The black ball....[0065] (He

Metamark 1
Metamark: align with ( Note: ( refers to the opening bracket of the stage direction just before the first word spoken by Krapp.
Metamark 2
Metamark: Note: Transposition symbol.
Metamark 3
Metamark: Note: Deleatur in left margin.
  • Segments
  • Metamarks