Digital Manuscript ProjectMalone meurt / Malone Dies

[2383] I had stopped looking at him.
[2384] I had got used to him.
[2385] I was
thinking of him, trying to understand, you can't do that and
look at the same time.
[2386] I did not even see him go.
[2387] Oh he did not
vanish, after the fashion of a ghosyt, no, I heard him, the clank
when he took out his watch, the satisfied thumbp of the umbrella
on the floor, the right about rightabout, the rapid steps towards
the door, its soft closing and finally, I am sorry to,[₰]say, a gay
and lively whistle dying away.
[2388] What have I omitted?
[2389] Little things,
nothings, which will come back to me later nothings. They will
come back to me later,and make me see more clearly what has happen-
ed and say, Ah if I had only known then, now it is too late.
[2390] Yes,
little by little I shall see him as he just has been, or as he
should have been for me to be able to say, yet again, Too late,
too late.
[2391] There's feeling for you.
[2392] Or he is perhaps just the first
of a series of visitors, all different.
[2393] They are going to relay
one another, and they are numerous.
[2394] To-morro[⁁]w perhaps he will be
wearing leggings, riding-breeches and a check cap, with a whip in
his hand to make up for the umbrella and a horse-shoe in his
[2395] All the people I have ever caught a glimpse of, at
close quarters or at a distance, can may file past from now on, that
is obvious.
[2396] There may even be women and children, I have caught
a glimpse of a fe w few, they will all be armed with something to
lean on and rummage in my[⁁] things with, they will all give me a clout
on the head to begin with and then spend the rest of the day
glaring at me in anger and disgust.
[2397] I shall have to revise my
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
Malone meurt / Malone Dies © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt