Digital Manuscript ProjectMalone meurt / Malone Dies

[2454] makes[₰] its voice heard, and then the other night sounds that you
cannot tell the meaning of.
[2455] And it sometimes happened that Macmann,
weary of not being alone, went away alone and back into his cell
and remained there until Lemuel rejoined him, much later.
[2456] It was a
genuine English park, though far from England, extravagantly unform-
al, luxuriant to the point of wildness, the trees at war with one
another, and the bushes, and the wild flowers and weeds, all raven-
ing for earth and light.
[2457] One evening Macmann went back to his cell
with a branch torn from a dead bramble, for use as a stick to support
him as he walked. Then Lemuel took it from him and struck him with
it over and over again, no, that won't work, then Lemuel called a
keeper by the name of Pat, a thorough brute though puny in appear-
ance, and said to him, Pat, will you look at that.
[2460] So that a little
later Macmann, having brought back from his walk a hyacinth he had
torn up bulb and roots in the hope of being able to keep it a little
longer thus than if he had simply plucked it, was fiercely reprim-
anded by Lemuel who wrenched the pretty flower from his hands and
threatened to hand hilm over to Jack again, no, to Pat again, Jack
is a different one.
[2461] And yet the fact of having half demolished the
bush, a kind of laurel, in order to hide in it, had never brought
upon his head the least reproof.
[2462] This is not necessarily surprising,
there was no proof against him.
[2463] Had he been questioned about it he
would naturally have told the truth, for he did
- Segments
Malone meurt / Malone Dies © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt