Digital Manuscript ProjectMalone meurt / Malone Dies

[2505] things changed and died each one according to its solitude.
[2506] Beyond the gate, on the road, shapes passed that Mav [place = overwritten] cmann could not
understand, bcause [place = supralinear] because of the bars, because of all the trembling and
raging behind him and beside him, because of the cries, the sky,
the earth enjoining him to fall and his long blind life.
[2507] A keeper
came out of one of the lodges, in obedience to a telephone-call
probably, all in white, a long black object in his hand, a key,
[2508] and the children lined up along the drive.
[2509] Suddenly there were wome
[2510] All fell silent.
[2511] The heavy gates swung open, driving the
keeper before them. He backed away, then suddenly turned and fled
to his doorstep.
[2512] The road appeared, white with dust, bordered with
dark masses, stretched a little way and ran up dead, against a
narrow grey sky.
[2513] Macmann let go the tree tg [place = overwritten] hat hid him and turned
back up the hill, not running, for he could hardly walk, but as fas
fast as he could, bowed and stumbling, helping himself forward with
with the boles and boughs that offered.
[2514] Little by little the haze
formed again, and the sense of absence, and the captive things
began to murmur again, each one to itself, and it was as if
nothing had ever happened or would ever happen again.
[2515] Others besides Macmann strayed from morning to night, stooped
under the heavy cloak, in the rare glades, among the trees that
hid the sky and in the high ferns where they looked like swimmers.
[2516] They seldom came near to one another, because they were few and
the park was vast.
[2517] But when chance brought one or more together,
near enough for them to realize it had done so, then they hastened
to turn back or, without going to such extremes, simply aside,
as if ashamed to be seen by their fellows.
[2518] But sometimes they
- Segments
Malone meurt / Malone Dies © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt