Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies


Segment 1

[0713] sun warms the rocks and makes them glitter. [0714] Yes, I leave my
happiness and go back to the race of men too, they come and
go, often with burdens.
[0715] Perhaps I have judged them ill, but I
don't think so,
[0716] I have not judged them at all. [0717] All I want now is to
make a last effort to understand, to begin to understand, how
such creatures are possible.
[0718] No, it is not a question of understand-

Segment 2

[0719] Of what then? [0720] I don't know. [0721] Here I go none the less, [0722] mis-
[0723] Night, storm and sorrow, and the catalepsies of the
soul, this time I shall see that they are good.
[0724] The last word
is not yet said between me and - yes, the last word is said.
[0725] Per-
haps I simply want to hear it said again.
[0726] Just once again. [0727] No,
I want nothing.

Segment 3

[0728] The Lamberts. [0729] The Lamberts found it difficult to live, I mean
to make ends meet.
[0730] There was the man, the woman and two children,
a boy and a girl.
[0731] There at least is something that admits of no
[0732] The father was known as Big Lambert, and big he was
[0733] He had married his young cousin and was still with her.
This was his third or fourth marriage.
[0734] He had other children here
and there, grown men and women imbedded deep in life, hoping for
nothing more, from themselves or from others.

Segment 4

[0735] They helped him, each
one according to his means, or the humour of the moment,out of
gratitude towards him but for whom they had never seen the light
of day, or saying, with indulgence, If it had not been he it would
have been someone else.
[0736] Big Lambert had not a tooth in his head
and smoked his cigarettes in a cigarette-holder, while regretting
his pipe.
[0737] He was highly thought of as a bleeder and disjointer of

Addition 1
Addition 2
  • Segments
  • Marginal Additions