Digital Manuscript ProjectMalone meurt / Malone Dies

[0847] stream, its bed a chaos of gnarled roots, boulders and baked mud.
[0848] And so he went, often unnoticed, in spite of his strange walk, his
halts and sudden starts.
[0849] Or the Lamberts saw him, from far off or
from near by, or some of them from a[₰]far off and the others from
near by, suddenly emerge from behind the washing and set off down
the path. Then they did not try to detain him or even call good-
bye, unresentful at his leaving them in a way that seemed so
lacking in friendliness, for they knew he meant no harm.
[0850] Or if at
the time they could not help feeling a little hurt, this feeling
was quite dispelled a little later, when they found on the kitchen-
table the crumpled paper-bag containing a few little articles of
[0851] And these humble presents, but oh how useful, and this
oh so delicate way of giving, disarmed them too at the sight of
the bowl of goat's milk only half emptied, or left untouched, and
prevented them from regarding this as an affront, in the way trad-
ition required.
[0852] But it would appear on reflection that Sapo's
departure can seldom have escaped them.
[0853] For at the least moment
within sight of their land, were it only that of a little bird
alighting or taking to wing, they raised their heads and stared
with wide eyes.
[0854] And even on the road, of which segments were
visible more than a mile away, nothing could happen without their
knowledge, and they were able not only to identify all those who
passed along it and whose remoteness reduced them to the size of
a pin's head, but also to divine whence they were coming, where they
were going, and for what purpose.
[0855] Then they cried the news to one
another, for they often worked at a great distance apart, or they
exchanged signals, all erect and turned towards the event, for it
- Segments
Malone meurt / Malone Dies © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt