Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies


Segment 1

[0855] was one, before bowing themselves down to the earth again.
[0856] And at the first spell of rest taken in common, about the
table or elsewhere, each one gave his version of what had
passed and listened to those of the others.
[0857] And if at first they
were not in agreement about what they had seen, they talked it ov
over doggedly until they were, in agreement I mean, or until
they resigned themselves to never being so.

Segment 2

[0858] It was therefore dif-
ficult for Sapo to glide away unseen, even in the deep shadow of
the trees that bordered the stream, even supposing him to have
been capable of gliding, for his movements ra were rather those
of one floundering in a quag.
[0859] And all raised their heads and
watched him as he went, then looked at one another, before
stooping to the earth again.

Segment 3

[0860] And on each face bent to the other
earth there played perhaps a little smile, a little rictus rather
rather, but without malice, each wondering perhaps if the
others felt the same thing and making the resolve to ask
them, at their next meeting.

Segment 4

[0861] But the face of Sapo as he
stumbled away, now in the shadow of the venerable trees he
could not name, now in the brightness of the waving meadow,
so erratic was his course, the face of Sapo was as always grave,
or rather expressionless.

Segment 5

[0862] And when he halted it was not the
better to think, or the closer to pore upon his dream, but
simply because the voice had ceased that told him to go on.
[0863] Then with his pale eyes he stared down at the earth, blind to
its beauty, and to its utility, and to the little wild many-
coloured flowers happy among the crops and weeds.
[0864] But these

  • Segments