Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies


Segment 1

[1348] them trickle betwween its fingers. [1349] And sometimes, when all is
quiet, I feel it plunged in me up to the elbow, but gentle, and
as though sleeping.
[1350] But soon it stirs, wakes, fondles, clutches,
ransacks, ravages, avenging its failure to scatter me with one
[1351] I can understand.

Segment 2

[1352] But I have felt so many strage strange things,
so many baseless things assuredly, that they are perhaps better
left unsaid.
[1353] To speak for example of the times when I go liquid
and become like mud, what good would that do?
[1354] Or of the others
when I would be lost in the eye of an a needle, I am so hard and
[1355] No, those are well-meaning squirms that get me nowhere.

Segment 3

[1356] I was speaking then was I not of my little pastimes and I think
about to say that I ought to content myself with them, instead of
launching forth on all this ballsaching poppycock about life and
death, if that is what it is all about, and I suppose it is, for
nothing was ever about anything else to the best of my recollect-
[1357] But what tit is all about exactly I could no more say, at
the present moment, than take up my bed and walk.

Segment 4

[1358] It's vague,
life and death.
[1359] I must have had my little private idea on the
subject when I began, otherwise I would not have begun, I would
have held my peace, I would have gone on peacefully being bored to
howls, having my little fun and galmes with the cones and cylinders,
the millet grains beloved of birds and other panics, until some-
one was kind enought t enough to come and coffin me.

Segment 5

[1360] But it is gone
clean out of my head, my little private idea.
[1361] No matter, I have just
had another.
[1362] Perhaps it is the same one back again, ideas are so
alike, when you get to know them.
[1363] Be born, that's the brainwave now,
that is to say live long enough to get acquainted with free car-

Addition 1
  • Segments
  • Marginal Additions