Digital Manuscript ProjectMalone meurt / Malone Dies

[1166] Their quarters were cramped, certain delicacies refinements were not
[1167] Edmund then went up to bed, for no particular reason.
[1168] He would have gladly slept with his sister, the father too, I
mean the father would have gladly slept with his daughter, the
time was long past and gone when he would have gladly slept
with his sister. [1169] But something held them back.
[1170] And she did not
seem eager.
[1171] But she was still young.
[1172] Incest then was in the air.
[1173] Mrs Lambert, the only member of the household who had no desire
to sleep with anybody, saw it coming with indifference.
[1174] She
went out.
[1175] Alone with his daughter Lambert sat watching her.
[1176] She
was crouched before the range, in an attitude of dejection.
[1177] He
told her to eat and she began to eat the remains of the rabbit,
out of the pot, with a spoon.
[1178] But it is hard to look steadily
for any length of time at a fellow-creature, even when you are
resolved to, and suddenly Lambert saw his daughter at another
place and otherwise engaged than in bringing the spoon up from
the pot into her mouth and down from her mouth into the pot
[1182] What tedium.
[1183] If I went on to the stone?
[1184] No, it would be the
same thing.
[1185] The Lamberts, the Lamberts, does it matter about the
[1186] No, not particularly.
[1187] But while I am with them the
other is lost.
[1188] How are my plans getting on, my plans, I had plans
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
Malone meurt / Malone Dies © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt