Digital Manuscript ProjectMalone meurt / Malone Dies

[0616] and drawing them over to me, to look at them.
[0617] I was not far
wrong in thinking that I knew them off, by heart, and could speak
of them at any moment, without looking at them.
[0618] But I wanted to
make sure.
[0619] It was well I did.
[0620] For now I know that the image of
these objects, with which I have lulled myself till now, though
accurate in the main, was not completely so.
[0621] And I should be sorry
to let slip this unique occasion which seems to offer me the
possibility of something suspiciously like a true statement at
[0621|001] I might feel I had failed in my duty!!
[0622] I want this matter
to be free from all trace of approximativeness.
[0625] I see then I had attributed to myself certain objects no
longer in my possession, as far as I can see. [0626] But might they
not have rolled behind a piece of furniture?
[0627] That would surprise
[0628] A boot, for example, can a boot roll behind a piece of furnit-
[0629] And yet I see only one boot.
[0630] And behind what piece of furnit-
[0631] In this room, to the best of my knowledge, there is only
one piece of furniture capable of intervening between me and my
possessions, I refer to the cupboard.
[0632] But it so cleaves to the
wall, to the two walls, for it stands in the corner, that it
seems part of them.
[0633] It may be objected that my button-boot, for
it was a kind of button-boot, is in the cupboard.
[0634] I thought of that.
[0635] But I have gone through it, my stick has gone through the cup-
board, opening the doors, the drawers, for the first time perhaps,
- Segments
Malone meurt / Malone Dies © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt