Digital Manuscript ProjectMalone meurt / Malone Dies

[1481] is to wander the last of the living at the bottom [place = supralinear] in the depths of an instant
without bounds, where the ligh( [place = overwritten] t never changes and the wrecks look
all alike.
[1482] Bluer scarcely than white of egg [place = inline] , the eyes stare into
the spav [place = inline] [⁁] [place = margin left] c[ [place = supralinear] c]e before them, namely the fulness of the great deep and
its unchanging calm.
[1483] But at long intervals they close, with the
gentle suddenness of flesh that tightens, often without anger,
and closes on itself.
[1484] Then you see the old lids all red and worn
that seem hard [place = margin left] set[⁁] [ [place = supralinear] set] to meet, for there are four, two for each lachrymal.
[1485] And perhaps it is then he sees the heaven of the old dream, the h
heaven of the sea and of the earth too, and the spasms of the
waves from shore to shore all stirring to their tiniest stir,
and the so different motion of men for example, who are not tied
together, but free to come and go as they please.
[1486] And they make
fum [place = overwritten] ll use of it and come and go, their great balls and sockets
rattling and clacking like knackers, each on his way.
[1487] And when
one dies the others go on, as if nothing had happened.
[place = inline] [⃞][1488] I feel
[place = inline] [⃞][1489] I feel it's coming.
[1490] How goes it, thanks, it's coming.
[1491] I
wanted to be quite sure before I noted it.
[1492] Scrupulous to the last,
finical to a fault, that's Malone, all over.
[1493] I mean sure of
feeling that my hour is at hand. For I never doubted it would
come, sooner or later, except the days I felt it was past.
[1494] For my
stories are all in vain, deep down I never doubted, even the days

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Malone meurt / Malone Dies © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt