[1275] tried to discover, of wearing out that small voice saying, Get out of
here, Molloy, take to your crutches and get out of here, and which I
had taken so long to understand, for had I not been hearing it for a
long time. [1276] And perhaps I understood it all wrong, but I understood
it and that was the novelty. [1277] And it seemed to me I was not necessarily
going for good but might come back one day, by devious winding ways, to
the place I was leaving. [1278] And perhaps my course is not yet fully run.
[1279] Outside in the road the wind was blowing, it was another world. [1280] Not
knowing where I was nor consequently what way I ought to go I went with
the wind. [1281] And when, well slung between my crutches, I took off, then
I felt it helping me, that little wind blowing from what quarter I
could not tell. [1282] And don't come talking at me of the stars, they look
all the same to me, yes I can't read the stars, in spite of my
astronomical studies.
[1283] But I entered the first shelter I came to and
stayed there till dawn, for I knew that the first policeman would not
fail to stop me and ask me what I was doing, a question to which I
have never been able to find the correct reply. [1284] But it cannot have
been a real shelter and I did not stay till dawn, for a man came in
soon after me and drove me out.
[1285] And yet there was room for two. [1286] I
think he was a kind of nightwatchman, a man of some kind certainly,
he must have had the watching over some kind of public works, digging
I suppose. [1287] I see a brazier. [1288] There must have been a touch of autumn
in the air, as the saying is. [1289] I therefore moved on and ensconced
myself on a flight of stairs, in a mean lodging-
-house, because there was no door or it didn't shut, I don't know.
[1290] Long before dawn this lodging-house began to empty. [1291] People came down
the stairs, men and women. [1292] I glued myself to the wall. [1293] They paid no
heed to me, nobody interfered with me. [1294] In the end I too went away,
when I deemed it prudent, and wandered about the town in search of a
- Segments
Molloy © 2016 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Magessa O'Reilly, Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt