Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project


Segment 1

[2118] escaped. [2119] For I knew for a fact that the verger had a list of the faithful
and that, from his place beside the font, he ticked us off at the moment
of[] when it came to the absolution.
[2120] It is only fair to say that Father Ambrose knew nothing of
these manoeuvres, yes, anything in the nature of surveillance was hateful
to the good Father Ambrose.
[2121] And he would have sent the verger packing flying about his business if
he had th suspected him of such a work of supererogation.
[2122] It must have been for his
own edification that the verger kept this register, with such assiduity.

Segment 2

[2123] Admittedly I knew only what went on at the last mass, having no experience
personally of the other offices, for the good reason that I never went near []within a mile of
[2124] But I had heard it said that they were the occasion of exactly the
same supervision, at the hands either of the verger himself, or, when his
duties called him elsewhere, of one of his sons.
[2125] A strange parish whose
flock knew more than its pastor of a circumstance which seemed rather in
his province than in theirs.

Segment 3

[2126] Such were my thoughts as I waited for my son to come back adand Gaber,
whom I had not yet heard leave, to go.
[2127] And tonight I find it strange I could
have thought of such things, I mean my son, my lack of education breeding, Father[r]
Ambrose, Verger Joly with his register, at asuch a time.
[2128] Had I not something
better to do, after what I had just heard?
[2129] The fact is I had not yet begun
to take the matter seriously.

Segment 4

[2130] And I am all the more surprised as such
light-mindedness was not like me.
[2131] Or was it in order to win a few more
moments of peace that I instinctively avoided giving my mind to it?
[2132] Even
if, on hearing as set forth in Gaber's report, the affair had seemed unworthy of me, the
chief's insistingence on having me, me Moran, rather than anybody else, ought
to have warned me that the commission it was was no ordinary one.

Segment 5

[2133] And instead of
bringing to bear upon it without delay all the resources of my mind and of
my experience, I sat dreaming of my breed's infirmities and the singular-
-ities of those about me.
[2134] And yet the poison was already acting on me,

  • Segments