Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project


Segment 1

[4001] The fringed extremities of a dark muffler, seven feet long at least, wound
several times round his neck, hung down his back.
[4002] He had a narrow-brimmed
dark blue felt hat on his head, with a fish-hook and an artificial fly
stuck in the band, which produced a highly sporting effect.
[4003] Do you hear
me? he said.

Segment 2

[4004] But all this was nothing compared to the face which I regret
to say vaguely resembled my own, less the refinement of course, same little
abortive moustache, same little ferrety eyes, same paraphimosis of the
nose, and a thin red mouth that looked as if it was raw from trying to
shit its tongue.
[4005] Here Hey you! He said. [4006] I turned back to my fire. [4007] It was
doing nicely.

Segment 3

[4008] I threw more wood on it. [4009] Do you hear me talking to you?
he said.
[4010] I went towards the shelter, he barred my way, [4011] encouraged []emboldened by my
[4012] Have you a tongue in your head? he said. [4013] I don't know you, I said.
[4014] I laughed. [4015] I had not intended to be witty. [4016] Would you care to see my cared?
he said.
[4017] It would mean nothing to me, I said. [4018] He came closer to me. [4019] Get
out of my way, I said.

Segment 4

[4020] It was his turn to laugh. [4021] You refuse to answer?
he said.
[4022] I made a great effort. [4023] What do you want to know? I said. [4024] He
must have thought I was weakening.
[4025] That's more like it, he said. [4026] I called
to my aid the image of my son who might arrive at any moment.
[4027] I've already
told you, he said.
[4028] I was trembling all over. [4029] Have the goodness to tell
me again, I said.

Segment 5

[4030] To cut a long story short [4031] he wanted to know if I had
seen an old man with a stick pass by.
[4032] He described him. [4033] Badly. [4034] The voice
seemed to come to me from afar.
[4035] No, I said. [4036] What do you mean no? he said.
[4037] I have seen no one, I said. [4038] And yet he passed this way, he said. [4039] I said

Segment 6

[4040] How long have you been here? he said. [4041] His body too grew dim, as
if coming asunder.
[4042] What is your business here? he said. [4043] Are you on night
patrol? I said.
[4044] He thrust a his hand at me. [4045] I have an idea I told him once
again to get out of my way.
[4046] I can still see the hand coming towards me,
pallid, opening and closing.
[4047] As if self-propelled. [4048] I do not know what

  • Segments