Digital Manuscript ProjectNot I / Pas moi

[place = margin left]
231 Mill Rd.
God (laugh)...first occurred to her...then dismisw [place = overwritten] sed...
as foolish...was perhaps not so foolish...after all...
so o, [place = overwritten] n...all that...[0012]till another thouhgt... thought...
some time later it is true...very childish really but -...
what?...the buzzing?...yes...all the time the bzz buz- [place = inline] ! the earx [place = overwritten] s...though of course actual-
ly...not in the ears at the skull...the heart of
[0012] the skull!...and all the time...this beam or ray...
as before...on and from a moon...but perhaps [place = supralinear] no doubt
not...perhaps [place = supralinear] no doubt all part of the iwh [place = margin left] wish to...torment...but
not in the least [place = margin left] ...not a twinge...for the moment...ah...for the moment...
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
Not I / Pas moi © 2022 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: James Little and Vincent Neyt