Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Not I / Pas moi


MS. Pages: 01r - 04v 05r - 05r
[p. 05r]

[0023] ...all that...all at once...imagine...body like gone...[0024]only a face...lips...cheeks...jaws...never still a second...mouth on fire...words streaming her ear...practically in her ear...and not hearing the half...not the quarter...doesn't know what she's idea what she's saying!...[0025]all that together...trying to hear...piece it together...and the brain...raving away on its own...trying to make sense of it...[0026]or in the past...bringing up the past...flashes from all over...standing waiting for the bag...odds and ends of walks...walking all her days...stop and stare into space...the one time she cried...since she could remember...old woman already...sitting staring at her her lap...palm upward...suddenly wet...tears presumably...hers one else for miles...sat and watched them dry...all over in a second...[0027]or snatching at crumbs...the brain...flickering away on its look and on...on to the next...bad as the little sense...all that at once...can't - ...what?...the buzzing...yes...on top of all the buzzing...dull roar like falls...and the ray...flickering on and off...starting to move moonbeam but not...all part of the same...keep an eye on that too...head doesn't move but eyes...oh very much so...hundred degrees at least...

MS. Pages: 01r - 04v 05r - 05r