Digital Manuscript ProjectNot I / Pas moi

[0028] and the beam...ferreting far...ha! far...
[0029]then thinking...oh long after...sudden flash...perhaps something she had
to...had to...tell...could that be it?...something she had to tell...
tiny little thing...before its time...godforsaken hole[⁁] love...spared that...speechless
all her days...practically [d]she survived!...that time
in court...what had she to say for herself...guilty or not guilty...
[0029]stand up woman...speak up woman...stood there staring into space...mouth
half open as usual...waiting to be led away...glad of the hand on her this...something she had to tell...could that be it?...
something that would it she-...what?...had been?...
yes...something that would tell ho[x]w it had she had lived...
lived on and on...guilty or not...on and be sixty...something
[0029]she-...what?...seventy?...good God!...on and on to be seventy...
something she didn't know herself...wouldn't know if she heard...then
forgiven...God is love...tender every morning...[0030]back in
the field...April morning...face in the grass ...nothing but the larks...
pick it up there...get on with it from there...a vfew more...what?...
not that?...nothing to do with that?...nothing she could tell?...[...]
[0030] all right...nothing she could tell...try something else...
think of something else...oh long after!...sudden flash...not that either...
all right...something else on...hit on it in the end...
think everything keep on long enough...[0031]then forgiven...back in the-...
what?...not that either?...nothing to do with that eirther?...nothing
she could think?...all right...nothing she could tell...nothing she
[0031]could think...nothing she-...what?...who?!...SHE![₰] ...(pause
and movement 4)...tiny little thinhg...out before its time...godforsaken love...spared that...speechless all her days...practically
speechless...even to herseldf...never out loud...[0032]but not completely...
sometimes sudden urge...once otr twice a year...always winter some
strange reason...the long evenings...hours of darkness...sudden urge to...
[0032]to tell...then rush out stop the first she saw...[0033]nearest lavatory...start
pouring it out...steady stream...mad stuff...half the vowels wrong...
no one could follow...till she swaw the stare she was getting...then die
of shame...crawl back in...once or twivce a year...always winter some
strange reason...long hours of this...this...quicker
and quicker...the words...the brain...flickering away like mad...
quick grab and on...nothing there...on somewhere else...try somewhere else...
[0034] and all the time something begging...something in her begging...begging
it all to stop...unanswered...prayer unanswered...or unheard...too on...keep on-[₰] ...trying...not knowing what...what she was
trying...what to try...whole body like gone...just the on...keep-...what?...the buzzing?...yes...all the time
the buzzing...dull roar like the skull...and the beam...
poking far...ha! far...all that...keep on...
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
Not I / Pas moi © 2022 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: James Little and Vincent Neyt