Synoptic Sentence View: Sentence 10
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Not I Segment 10, version 1 (MS-UoR-1227-7-12-1, f. 02r)
first thought was ...
she was being punished ... for her sins ...
x a number of which then ... further proof
if proof were needed ... flashed through
her mind ...

Not I Segment 10, version 2 (MS-UoR-1227-7-12-2, f. 01r)
first thought was...she was being punished...for her sins iniquities[stet] ...a number of which then...further proof if proof were needed...flashed through her mind...

Not I Segment 10, version 3 (MS-UoR-1227-7-12-3, f. 01r)
first thought was...flash in the dark...she was being punished...for her sins...a number some of which then...further proof if proof were needed...flashed through her mind...

Not I Segment 10, version 4 (MS-UoR-1227-7-12-4, f. 01r)
first thought was...flash in the dark...she was being punished...for her sins...a number of which then...further proof if proof were needed...flashed through her mind...

Not I Segment 10, version 5 (MS-UoR-1227-7-12-5, f. 01r)
first thought was..oh long after!..flash in the dark...she was being punished..for her sins.. a number of whhich then immediately [⁁]then...oh long after..further proof if proof were needed..flashed through her after another..

Not I Segment 10, version 6 (MS-UoR-1227-7-12-6, f. 02r)
first thought was..oh long after..sudden flash in the dark..she was being punished..for her sins..a number of which then..further proof if proof were needed..flashed through her after another..

Not I Segment 10, loose jotting 7 (MS-UoR-1227-7-12-6, f. 06v)
? oh long after - sudden flash - she was being punished

Not I Segment 10, version 8 (MS-UoR-1227-7-12-7, f. 02r)
first thought was..oh long after..sudden flash..she was being punished..for her sins..a number of which then..further proof if proof were needed..flashed through her after another..

Not I Segment 10, version 9 (MS-UoR-1227-7-12-8, f. 02r)
first thought was...oh long after...sudden flash...she was being punished...for her sins...a number of which then...furhtther proof if proof were needed...flashed through her after another...

Not I Segment 10, loose jotting 10 (MS-UoR-1227-7-12-10-synopsis, f. 01r)
First thought: she is being punished for her sins

Not I Segment 10, version 11 (MS-HRC-SB-5-4, f. 04r)
first thought was ... oh long after ... she was being punished ... for her sins ... a number of which then ... further proof if proof were needed ... flashed through her mind ... one after another ...

Not I Segment 10, version 12 (MS-HRC-SB-5-3, f. 03r)
first thought was ... oh long after ... sudden flash ... she was being punished ... for her sins ... a number of which then ... further proof if proof were needed ... flashed through her mind ... one after another ...
Not I Segment 10, version 13 (Faber & Faber 1973, p. 7)
[MOUTH:] first thought was ... oh long after ... sudden flash ... she was being punished ... for her sins ... a number of which then ... further proof if proof were needed ... flashed through her mind ... one after another ...

Pas moi Segment 10, version 14 (MS-UoR-1396-4-25, f. 01r)
sa première d'abord l'idée fut.. oh longtemps après..brusque étince soudaine xxx qu'elle se faisait ses péché lesquels lesquels se suivent aussitot ..un certain nombre..comme pour lui donner raison..à défiler dans sa tête..l'un après l'autre..

Pas moi Segment 10, version 15 (MS-UoR-1396-4-26, f. 01r)
première chose donc l'idée...oh longtemps après...un éclair...que que la voilà punie..en train d'être ses péchés...dont un un certain nombre aussitôt...comme pour lui donner raison...défilent dans sa tête...toute allure...l'un après l'autre...

Pas moi Segment 10, version 16 (MS-UoR-1396-4-27, f. 02r)
première chose donc l'idée...oh bien après plus tard après...brusque illumination éclair [st.] ...que la voilà punie...en
train voie d'être punie... de ses péchés...dont certains aussitôt...comme pour lui donner raison...défilent dans sa tête...toute allure...l'un après l'autre...

Pas moi Segment 10, version 18 (MS-BnF-4-COL-344-27, f. 04r)
première chose donc l'idée...oh bien après...brusque illumination...que la voilà punie...en voie d'être ses péchés...dont certains aussitôt...comme pour lui donner raison...défilent dans sa têyt.e...toute allure...l'un après l'autre...

Pas moi Segment 10, version 19 (MS-BnF-4-COL-178-970, f. 02r)
première chose donc l'idée ...oh bien après...brusque illumination...que la voilà punie
...en voie d'être punie ses péchés...dont certains aussitôt...comme pour lui donner raison...défilent dans sa tê
yt.e...toute allure...l'un après l'autre...
Pas moi Segment 10, version 20 (Minuit 12, p. 3)
[BOUCHE:] première chose donc l'idée... oh bien après... brusque illumination... que la voilà punie... en voie d'être punie... de ses péchés... dont certains aussitôt... comme pour lui donner raison... défilent dans sa tête... toute allure... l'un après l'autre...
Pas moi Segment 10, version 21 (Minuit 1975, p. 10)
[BOUCHE:] première chose donc l'idée... oh bien après... brusque illumination... que la voilà punie... en voie d'être punie... de ses péchés... dont certains aussitôt... comme pour lui donner raison... défilent dans sa tête... toute allure... l'un après l'autre...