Digital Manuscript ProjectFin de partie / Endgame

Nagg Nell
[0587] It was because I felt happy.
[0588] It was not, it was not, not [place = supralinear] nonsense, nonsense, it was my story and nothing
[0588|001] [place = margin left] Happy![⁁]
[0589] Don't you laugh at it still?
[0590] Every time [⁁] [place = supralinear] I tell it.
[0590|001] [place = inline] Happy!
needing a pair of striped trousers in a hurry for the New Year festivities[⁁] [place = margin left] rejoicings[⁁], goes to see his tailor who takes his measure-
[0598] (Voice of tailor.)
[0599] "That's the lot [place = supralinear] That'll be all, come back in
four days, I'll have it ready."
[0600] Good.
[0601] Four days later.
[0602] Voice of tailor.)
[0603] "So sorry, come back in a week, I've
made a mess of the seat."
[0604] Good, [place = supralinear] that's all right, the seat is [place = inline] a neat seat
never easy [place = margin bottom] a neat seat can be very ticklish [place = margin left] can be very ticklish."
[0605] A week later.
[0606] (Voice of tailor.)
[0607] [place = supralinear] "Frightd [place = overwritten] fully
sorry, come back in ten days, I've made a hames [place = supralinear] hash of the
[0608] Good, can't be helped, the [place = supralinear] a snug crutch is always ticklish[⁁] [place = margin bottom] a snug crutch is always a problem teaser. [place = margin left] a teaser.
[0609] Ten days later.
[0610] (Voice of tailor.)
[0611] "Dreadfully
sorry, come back in a fortnight, I've made a balls of the
[0612] Good, at a pinch, a smart fly is a stiff proposition.
[0613] (Pause. [0614] Normal voice.)
[0615] I never told it worse.
[0616] (Pause. [0617] Gloomy.)
[0618] I tell this story worse and worse.
[0619] (Pause. [0620] Voice of raconteur.)
[0621] Well, to make it short, the daffodils are in flower [place = margin left] bluebells are blowing and
he botches [place = margin left] makes a balls of the buttonholes.
[0622] (Voice of customer.)
[0623] "God damn
it, Sir, no, it's indecent, there are limits!
[0624] In six days,
do you hear me, six days, God made the world.
[0625] Yes Sir,
no less Sir, the WORLD!
[0626] And you are not bloody well capable
of making me a pair of trousers in three months!"
[0627] (Voice of
tailor; [place = inline] , scandalized.)
[0628] "But, me lord, me lord, [place = supralinear] my dear Sir,
[0629] [place = supralinear] my dear Sir,
[0630] look - (dis-
dainful gesture, with disgust [place = supralinear] disgustedly) - at the world - (pause)-
and look - (loving gesture, proudly) - at my TROUSERS!"
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
- Doodles
Fin de partie / Endgame © 2018 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Shane Weller and Vincent Neyt