Digital Manuscript ProjectFootfalls / Pas

Both voices low.
V: Woman's voice from dark
[0001] M: Mary
[0003] Strip: Whole [⁁] visible width[⁁] of frontstage. [0004] 7 steps starting
with right foot (r) from R to L, with left
foot (l) from L to R.
[0033] (at 2, synchronous with steps).
[0034] One two three
M halts facing front at 6. [0038]
Five seconds.
[0039] Would you like me to inject you again?
[0040] Yes, but it is too soon.
four five six seven wheel, one two three
four five six seven wheel.
[0034|001] (Pause.
[0036] Will you not try to get a little sleep?
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
- Dates
- Diagrams
- Titles
Footfalls / Pas © 2022 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: James Little and Vincent Neyt