Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
L'Innommable / The Unnamable


Segment 1

[0866] to turn aside, before all else.[0867] Perhaps after all that is what
Aftera all perhaps I a [place = overwritten] was doing so.
[0868] That would account for my
vaguely circular motion.
[0869] Lies, lies, mine was not to know, nor
to judge, nor to rail, but to go.
[0870] That the bacillus botulinus
should have exterminated mye entire kith and kin, I shall never
weary of repeating this, was something I could readily admit,
but [place = supralinear] only on condition that [place = supralinear] my personal behaviour had not to suffer by it.

Segment 2

[0871] Let us rather consider what really took place, if Mahood is [place = supralinear] was telling
the truth.
[0872] And why should he have lied to me, he so anxious to
obtain my adhesion, to what now that I come to think of it, to his
conception of my [place = supralinear] me probably.
[0872|001] Why?[0873] For fear of paining me perhaps.
[0874] But I am there to be pained, that is what my tempters have never

Segment 3

[0875] What they all wanted, each one according to his particular
notion of what is bearable [place = supralinear] endurable, was that I should exist and at the
same time be only moderately, or perhaps I should say finitely
[0876] They have even killed [place = supralinear] [] me off, with the [place = supralinear] compassionate remark that having reached
the end of my endurance I had no choice [Stet] but to disappear.
[0877] The end
of my endurance!
[0878] It was one second they should have schooled me
to endure, after that I would have held out for all eternity,
whistling a merry tune.

Segment 4

[0879] [ [place = inline] | ]The hard knocks they invented for me!
[0880] But the bouquet was this story of Mahood's in which I appear as
upset at having been delivered so economically of a clatter [place = supralinear] pack of
blood relations, not to mention the two cunts into the bargain,
the one for ever accursed that ejected me into this world and
the other, infundibuliform in which, pumping my likes, I tried
to take my revenge.

Segment 5

[0881] To tell the truth, let us n [place = overwritten] be honest at least,
it is some considerable time now since I last knew what I was
talking about.
[0882] It is because my thoughts are elsewhere.[0883] I am
therefore forgiven.
[0884] So long as one's thoughts are something [place = supralinear] where
everything is permitted.
[0885] On then, without misgiving, as if nothing
had happened.

Segment 6

[0886] And let us consider what really took place, if
Mahood was telling the truth when he represented me as bereft [place = supralinear] delivered at
one fell swee [place = overwritten] oop of parents, wife and heirs.
I've plenty of time to
blow it all skyhigh, this circus where it is enough to breathe to

Segment 7

[0887] I've plenty of time to
blow it all skyhigh, this circus where it is enough to breathe to

Metamark 1
Metamark: Stet Note: \'Stet\' in the margin.
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