[p. 38v] DOODLE 80
[p. 39r] told him stories, that proves my innocence,
who says, That proves my innocence,
he, it's he says it, or it's they say it, yes,
they, they who reason, they who believe,
no, a single one, he who lived, or saw
some who had, it's he speaks of me, as
if I were he, as if I were not he, both,
and as if I were others, one after
the other, he is the afflicted, [2322.2] I am far
afar, do you hear him, he says I am
afar, as if I were he, no, as if I were
not he, for he is not afar, he is here,
it's he who speaks, he says it's I, then
he says it's not, I am afar, do you
hear him, he's seeking me, I don't
know why, he doesn't know why, he's
calling me, he wants me to come out,
he thinks I can come out, he wants me
to be he, or someone else another, let us be fair,
he wants me to come rise up, to come rise up into him,
or into a someone else another, he thinks let us
be impartial, he thinks he's got me,
he feels me in him, then he says I, as if I
were in, or in another, then he says
Murphy, or Molloy, I forget, as if I
were Malone, but their day is their day is
past and gone, he wants no one but himself,
for me, he thinks it's the las his last
chance, he thinks that, they taught him
how to think, this, that, it's always he
who speaks, Mercier never spoke, Moran
never spoke, I never spoke, I seem to
speak, that's because he says I as if it
were I, I too nearly believed he nearly
took me in too, do you hear him, as if
he were I, I who am afar, who can't
move, who can't be found, but neither
can he, all he can do is talk, if he can
do that much, perhaps it's not he,
perhaps it's a band, one after the other,
[2322.3] how confused that is, someone speaks
of confusion, is it a fault, all here
is fault, you don't know why, you
don't know whose, you don't know
at whose expense towards whom,
someone says you, it's the fault of the
pronouns, there is no name for me, no
pronoun for me, all the trouble comes
from that, you say that, it's a kind
of pronoun, it isn't that either,
I'm not that either, let us have
leave all that, forget about all that,