Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies


Segment 1

[1977] handed this paper to Macmann, together with the stump of an indel-
ible pencil, the pointed [place = margin left] [] of which he first wetted with his lips,
and requested him to sigh [place = margin left] n, adding that it was a mere formality.

[1978] And when Macmann had obeyed, either because he was afraid of being
punished if he refused or because he did not realize the serious-
ness of what he was doing, the other took back the paper, examined
it and said, Mac what?
[1979] It was then a woman's voice, extraordinarily
shrill and unpleasant, was heard to say, Mann, his name is Macmann.

Segment 2

[1980] This woman was standing behind him, sot [place = margin left] [] that he could not see her,
and in each hand she clutched a bar of the bed.
[1981] Who are you? said
the speaker.
[1982] Someone replied, But it is Moll, can't you see, her
name is Moll.
[1983] The speaker turned towrads this informant, glared
at him for a moment, then dropped his eyes.
[1984] To be sure, he said, to
be sure, I am out of sorts.

Segment 3

[1985] He added,after a pause, Nice name,
without its being quite clear whether this little tribute was aimed
at the nice name of Moll or at the nice name of Macmann.
[1986] Don't
push, for Jesus sake, he said sake! [place = overwritten] ! he said, irritably.
[1987] Then,
suddenly turning, he cried, What in God's name are you all pushing
for for Christ sake?

Segment 4

[1988] And indeed the room was filling more and more,
under the influx of fresh spectators.
[1989] Personally I'm going, said
the speaker.
[1990] Then all retreated, in great jostle and disorder,
each one striving to be first out through the door, with the sole
exception of Moll, who did not stir.
[1991] But when all were gone she
went to the door and shut it, then came back and sat down, on a
chair, by the bed.
[1992] She was a little old woman, immoderately ill-

Addition 1
  • Segments
  • Marginal Additions