Digital Manuscript ProjectMalone meurt / Malone Dies

[2014] by the Bank of England.
[2015] But as Macmann continued vehemently to
demand his things, as if he did not understand a word of what se [place = overwritten] he
had just told him, she was on [place = overwritten] bliged to invoke the regulations which
tolerated on no account that an inmate should resume contact with
the trappings of his derelict days until such time as he might be
[2016] But as Macmann continued passionately to clamour for
his things, and notably for his hat, she left him, saying he was
not reasonable.
[2017] And she came back a little later, holding with the
tips of her fingers the hat in question, retrieved perhaps from the
rubbish-heap at the end of the vegetable-garden, for to know every-
thing takes too long, for it was fringed with manure and seemed to
be rotting away.
[2018] And what is more she suffered him to put it on, and
even helped him to do so, helping him sit up in the bed and arrang-
ing his pillows in such a way that he might remain propped up with-
out fatigue.
[2019] And she contemplated with tenderness the old bewildered
face relaxing, and in its tod of hair the mouth trying to smile,
and the little red eyes turning timidly towards her as if in gratit-
ude or rolling towards the recovered hat, and the hands raised to
set it on more firmly and returning to rest trembling on the blank-
[2020] And at last a log [place = overwritten] ng look passed between them and Moll's mouth [place = supralinear] lips
puffed and parted in a dreadful smile, which made Macmann's eyes
waver like those of an animal glared on by its master and compelled
them finally to look away.
[2021] End of anecdote.
[2022] This must be the self-
same hat that was abandoned in the middle of the plain, its resemb
resemblance to it is so great, allowance being made for the addit-
ional wear and tear.
[2023] Can it be then it is not the same Macmann
- Segments
Malone meurt / Malone Dies © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt