Digital Manuscript ProjectMalone meurt / Malone Dies

[2475] cruel air, screeching with anger, then settled in the grass or on
the house-tops, mistrustful of the trees.
[2476] But that is all beside the
the point, like so many things.
[2477] All is pretext, Sapo and the birds,
Moll, the peasants, those who in the towns seek one another out
and fly from one another, my doubts which do not interest me, my
situation, my possessions, pretext for not coming to the point,
the abandoning, the raising of the arms and going down, without
further splash, even though it may annoy the bathers.
[2480] And it is then a little breath of fulfu [place = overwritten] ilment revives the dead
longings and a murmur is born in the silent world, reproaching
you affectionately with having despaired too late.
[2481] The last word
in the way of viaticum? viaticum.
[2482] Let us try it another way.
[2483] The
pure plateau
[2484] Try and go on.
[2485] Thx [place = overwritten] e pure plateau air.
[2486] Yes , Yes, it was a plat-
eau, Moll had not lied, or rather a great mound with gentle slopes.
[2487] The entire top was occupied by the domain of Saint John and there
the wind blew almost without ceasing, causing the stoutest trees to
bend and groan, breaking the boughs, tossing the bushes, lashing the
the ferns to fury and whirling leaves fury, flattening the grass
and whirling leaves and flowers far away, I hope I have not for-
gotten anything.
[2488] Good.
- Segments
Malone meurt / Malone Dies © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt