Digital Manuscript ProjectMalone meurt / Malone Dies

[2491] be sure, culminating in a summit called the Rock, because of ythe
rock that was on it. From here a fine view as was to be obtained of
the plain, the sea, the mountains, the smoke of the town and the
buildings of the institution, bulking large in spite of their re-
moteness and all astir with little dots or flecks forever appearing
and disappearing, in reality the keepers coming and going, perhaps
mingled with I was going to say with the prisoners!
For seen from
this distance the striped cloak had no stripes, nor indeed any
great resemblance to a cloak at all. So that one could only say,
when the first shock of surprise was past, Those are men and women,
you know, people, without being able to specigfy further.
[2492] A stream
at long intervals bestrid - but to hell with all this fucking
[2493] Where could it have risen anyway, tell me that.
[2494] Under-
ground perhaps.
[2495] In a word a little Paradise for those who like
their nature sloven.
[2496] Macmann sometimes wondered what was lacking to
his happiness.
[2497] The right to be abroad in all weathers morning, noon
and night, trees and bushes with outstretched branches to wrap him
round and hide him, food and lodging such as they were free of all
charge, superb views on every hand out over the lifelong enemy, a
minimum of persecution and corporal punishment, the song of the
birds, no hiuman contact except with Lemuel who went out of his way
to avoid him, the faculties of memory and reflection stunned by
the incessant walking and high wind, Moll dead, what more could he
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
Malone meurt / Malone Dies © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt