Digital Manuscript ProjectMalone meurt / Malone Dies

[0100] seems now at hand.
[0101] I shall not ;lose my head on that account.
[0102] So first of all my stories and then, last of all, if all goes
well, my inventory. [0103]And I shall begin, that they may plague me
no more, with the man and woman.
[0104] That will be the first story,
there is not matter there for two.
[0105] There will therefore be only
three stories after all, that one, then the one about the animal,
then the one about the thing, a stone probably.
[0106] That is all very
[0107] Then I shall deal with my possessions.
[0108] If after all that
I am, I am still alive I shall take the necessary steps to ensure
my not having made a mistake.
[0109] So much for that.
[0110] I used not to
know where I was going, but I knew I would arrive, I knew there
would be an end to the long blind road.
[0111] What half-truths, my
[0112] No matter.
[0113] It is playtime now.
[0114] I find it hard to get used
to that idea.
[0115] The old fog calls.
[0116] Now the case is reversed, [0117] the
way well charg[⁁]t[t]ed and little hope of coming to its end.
[0118] But I
have high hopes.
[0119] What am I doing now, I wonder, losing time or
gaining it?
[0120] I have also decided to remind myself briefly of my
present state before embarking on my stories.
[0121] I think this is
a mistake.
[0122] It is a weakness.
[0123] But I shall indulge in it.
[0124] I shall
play with all the more ardour afterwards.
[0125] And it will be a
pendant to the incventory.
[0126] Aesthetics are therefore on my side,
at least a certain kind of aesthetics.
[0127] For I shall have to become
earnest again to be able to speak of my possessions.
[0128] There it is
then divided into five, the time that remains.
[0129] Into five what?
[0130] I don't know.
[0131] Everything divideds[₰] into itself, I suppose.
[0132] If I
start trying to think again I shall make a mess of my decease.
[0133] I must say there is something very attractive about such a
[0134] But I am on my guard.
[0135] For the past few days I have been
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
Malone meurt / Malone Dies © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt