Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies


Segment 1

[0135] finding something atttractive [place = margin left] [] about everything. [0136] To return to the
[0137] Pres [place = margin left] e[][ [place = supralinear] e]nt state, three stories, inventory, there. [0138] An occasion-
al interlude is to be feared.
[0139] A full programme. [0140] I shall not
deviate it [place = margin left] [] from it any further than I must.
[0141] So much for that. [0142] I
feel I am making a great mistake.
[0143] No matter.

Segment 2

[place = inline] [][0144] Present state. [0145] This room seems to be mine. [0146] I can find no
other explanation to my being left in it.
[0147] All this time. [0148] Unless
it be at the behest of one of the powers that be.
[0149] That is hardly
[0150] Why should the powers have changed in their attitude towards
[0151] It is better to adopt the simplest x [place = overwritten] e [place = inline] [] [place = supralinear] explanation, even if it
is not simple, even if it does not explain very much.
[0152] A bright
light is not necessary, a taper is all one needs to live in
strangeness, if it faithfully burns.

Segment 3

[0153] P [place = overwritten] Perhaps I came in for the
room on the death of whoever was in it before me.
[0154] I enquire no
further in any case.
[0155] It is not a room in a hospital, or in a
madhouse, I can feel that.
[0156] I have listened at different hours of
the day and night and never heard anything suspicious or unusual,
but always the peaceful sounds of men at large, getting up, lying
down, preparing food, coming and going, weeping and laughing, or
nt [place = overwritten] othing at all, no sounds at all.

Segment 4

[0157] And when I look out of the win-
dow it is clear to me, from certain sighns, [place = margin left] [] [place = margin left] [] that I am not in a
house of rest in any sesne [place = margin left] [] of the word.
[0158] No, this is just a plain
private room apparently, in [place = inline] [] [place = margin left] what appears to be[] [place = supralinear] [what appears to be] a plain ordinary house.
[0159] I do not
remember how I got here.
[0160] In an ambulance perhaps, a vehicle of
some kind certainly.
[0161] One day I found myself here, in the bed.
[0162] Having probably lost consciousness somewhere [place = inline] , I benefit by a hiatus

Addition 1
Addition 2
what appears to be[]
Metamark 1
Metamark: Note: A standard copy-editor\'s symbol - \'1 l # >\' - to indicate that a line space should be left between paragraphs.
Metamark 2
Metamark: Note: Transposition symbol.
  • Segments
  • Marginal Additions
  • Metamarks