Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies


Segment 1

[2100] remarkable for their exaltation of love regarded as a kind of
lethal glue, a conception frequently to be met with in mystic
[2101] And it is extraordinary that Macmann should have succeeded,
in so short a time and after such inauspicious beginnings, in
elevating himself to a view of this altitude.
[2102] And one can only
speculate on what he might have achieved if he had become acquainted
with true esexuality at a less advanced age.

Segment 2

[][2103] I am lost. [2104] Not a word.

Segment 3

[][2105] Inauspicious beginnings indeed, during which his feeling for
Moll was frankly one of repugnance.
[2106] Her lips in particular repelled
him, those selfsame lips, or so little changed as to make no matter,
that some months later he was to suck with grunts of pleasure, so
that at the very sight of them he not only closed his eyes, but
covered them with his hands for greater safety.

Segment 4

[2107] She It She it [she it] was she[] there-
fore who at this period exerted herself in tireless ardours, which
may serve to explain why she seemed to weaken in the end and stand
in her turn in need of stimulation.
[2108] Unless it was simply a question
of health.

Segment 5

[2109] Which does not exclude a third hypothesis, namely that
Moll, having finally decided that she had been mistaken in Macmann
and that he was not the man she had taken him to be[] for[for], sought a means
of putting an end to their intercourse, but gently, in order not
to give him,a him a shock.
[2110] Unfortunately our concern here is not
with Moll, who after all is only a female, but with Macmann, and
not with be[] the[the] close of their relations, but rather with the beginning.

Addition 1
Addition 2
She it
Addition 3
Addition 4
Metamark 1
Metamark: 1 l # → Note: A standard copy-editor\'s symbol - \'1 l # →\' - to indicate that a line space should be left between paragraphs.
Metamark 2
Metamark: 1 l # → Note: A standard copy-editor\'s symbol - \'1 l # →\' - to indicate that a line space should be left between paragraphs.
  • Segments
  • Marginal Additions
  • Metamarks