Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies


Segment 1

[0995] gladly. [0996] Amen. [0997] I waited for the dawn. [0998] Doing what? [0999] I don't know.
[1000] What I had to do. [1001] I watched for the window. [1002] I gave rein to my
pains, my impotence.
[1003] And in the end it seemed to me, for a
second, that I was going to have a visit!!

Segment 2

[][1004] The summer holidays were drawing to a close. [1005] The decisive
moment was at hand when the hopes reposed in Sapo were to be
fulfilled, or dashed to the ground.
[1006] He is trained to a hair,
said MMr Saposcat.
[1007] And Mrs Saposcat, whose piety grew warm in
times of crisis, prayed for his success.
[1008] Kneeling at her bed-
side, in her night-dress, she ejaculated, silently, for her
husband would not have approved, Oh God grant he pass, grant he
pass, grant he scrape through!!

Segment 3

[][1009] When this first ordeal was surmounted there would be others,
every year, several times a year.
[1010] But it seemed to the Saposcats
that these would be less terrible than the first which was to
give them, or deny them, the right to say, He is doing his
mede[]icine, [start] or, He is reading for the bar.
[1011] For they felt that a
more or less normal if unintelligent youth, once admitted to the
study of these professions, was almost sure to be certified, soon-
er or later, apt the[] to [to] exercise them.
[1012] For they had experience of
doctors, and of lawyers, like most people.

Segment 4

[1013] One day Mr Saposcat sold himself a fountain-pen, at a
[1014] A Bird. [1015] I shall give it to him on the morning of the
examination, he said.
[1016] He took off the long cardboard lid and
showed the pen to his wife.
[1017] Leave it in its box!! he cried, as
she made to take it in her hand.
[1018] It lay almost hidden in the

Addition 1
Metamark 1
Metamark: Note: A standard copy-editor\'s symbol - \'1 l # >\' - to indicate that a line space should be left between paragraphs.
Metamark 2
Metamark: start Note: The word \'Start\' has been written in the margins, and a vertical line drawn between the words \'medicine\' and \'or\'. These marks have presumably been added by the typesetter to indicate the point from which the typesetting should recommence.
  • Segments
  • Marginal Additions
  • Metamarks