Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies


Segment 1

[1037] laid down his napkin and left the room. [1038] Adrian, cried Mrs Saposcat,
come back and finish your sweet.[]![!]
[1039] Alone before the table she listened
to the steps on the garden-path, clearer, fainter, clearer, fainter.

Segment 2

[][1039|001] The Lamberts. [1040] One day Sapo arrived at the farm earlier than
[1041] But do we know waht [] time he usually arrived? [1042] Lengthening,
fading shadows.
[1043] He was surprised to see, at a distance, in the
midst of the young stubble, the father's big red and white head.
[1044] His body was in the hole or pit he had dug for his mule, which had
died during the night.
[1045] Edmund came out of the house, wiping his
mouth, ab[]n[n]d joined him.
[1046] Lambert then climbed out of the hole and the
son went down into it.

Segment 3

[1047] Drawing closer Sapo saw the mule's black
[1048] Then all became clear to him. [1049] The mule was lying on its
side, as was to be expected.
[1050] The forelegs were stretched out straight
and rigid, the hind drawn up under the belly.
[1051] The yawning jaws, the
wreathed lips, the enormous teeth, the bulging eyes, composed a
stirking [] death's-head.
[1052] Edmund handed up to his father the pick,
the shovel and the spade and climbed out of the hole.

Segment 4

[1053] Together
they dragged the mule by the legs to[][the legs to] the edge of the hole and heaved it in,
on its back.
[1054] The forelegs, pointing towards heaven, projected above
the level of the ground.
[1055] Old Lambert banged them down with his
[1056] He handed the spade to his son and went towards the house.

Segment 5

[1057] Edmund began to fill up the hole. [1058] Sapo stood watching him. [1059] A great
calm stole over him.
[1060] Great calm is an exaggeration. [1061] He felt better.
[1062] The end of a life is always vivifying. [1063] Edmund paused to rest, leaned
panting on the spade and smiled.
[1064] There were great pink gaps in his
front teeth.
[1065] Big Lambert sat by the window, smoking, drinking,

Addition 1
Addition 2
Addition 3
the legs to[]
Metamark 1
Metamark: Note: A standard copy-editor\'s symbol - \'1 l # >\' - to indicate that a line space should be left between paragraphs.
Metamark 2
Metamark: Note: Transposition symbol.
Metamark 3
Metamark: Note: Transposition symbol.
  • Segments
  • Marginal Additions
  • Metamarks