Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies


Segment 1

[1188] not so long ago. [1189] Perhaps I have another ten years ahead of me.
[1190] The Lamberts!! I shall try and go on all the same, a little
longer, my thoughts elsewhere, I can't stay here.
[1191] I shall hear
myself talking, afar off, from my far mind, talking of the
Lamberts, talking of myself, my mind wandering, far from here,
among its ruins.

Segment 2

[][1192] Tehen Mrs Lambert was alone in the kitchen. [1193] She sat down by
the window and turned down the wick of the lamp, as she always did
before blowing it out, for she did not like to blow out[out] a lamp that
was still hot.
[1194] When she thought the chimney and shade and had cooled
sufficiently she got up and blew down the chimney.

Segment 3

[1195] She stood a
moment irresolute, bowed forward with her hands on the table,
before she sat down again.
[1196] Her day of toil over, day dawned on
other toils within her, on the crass tenacity of life and its
diligent pains.
[1197] Sitting, moving about, she bore them better than
in bed.

Segment 4

[1198] From the well of this unending weariness her sigh went
up unendingly, for day when it was night, for night when it was
day, and day and night, fearfully, for the light she had been
tiolfd told about, and told she could never understand, because it
was not like those she knew,

Segment 5

[1199] not like the summer dawn she knew w
would come again, to her waiting in the kitchen, sitting up straight
ont eh on the chair, or bowed down over the table, with little sleep,
little rest, but more than in her bed.
[1200] Often she tood up and
move[]d[d] about the room, or out and round the ruinous old house.

Addition 1
Addition 2
Metamark 1
Metamark: Note: A standard copy-editor\'s symbol - \'1 l # >\' - to indicate that a line space should be left between paragraphs.
  • Segments
  • Marginal Additions
  • Metamarks