Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies


Segment 1

[1649] not h [place = overwritten] the first time that Macmann rolled upon the ground,
but he had always done so without ulterior locomotib [place = overwritten] ve motive.

Segment 2

[1650] Whereas then, as he moved further and further from the place
where the rain had caught him far from shelter and which thanks
to the hat continued to contrast with the surrounding space,
he realized he was advancing with regularity and even a certain
rapidity, along the arc of a gigantic circle probably, for he
assumed that one of his extremities was heavier than the other,
without knowing quite which, but not by much.

Segment 3

[1651] And as he rolled
he conceived and polished the plan of continuing to roll on all
night if necessary, or at least until his strength should fail
him, and thus approach the confines of this plain which to tell
the truth he was in no hurry to leave, but nevertheless was
leaving, he knew it.

Segment 4

[1652] And without reducing his speed he began to
dream of a flat land where he would never have to rise again and
hold himself erect in equilibrium, fo [place = inline] [] [place = margin left] i[ [place = supralinear] i]rst on the right foot for
example, then on the left, and where he might come and go and so
survive after the fashion of a great cylinder endowed with the
faculties of cognition and volition.
[1653] And without exactly build-
ing castles in Spain, for that

Segment 5

[place = inline] [][1654] Quick quick my possessions. [1655] Quiet, quiet, twice, I have time,
lots of time, as usual.
[1656] My pencil, my two pencils, the one of
which nothing remains but the le between my huge fingers but
the lead fallen from the wood and the other, long and round, in
the bed somewhere, I was holding it in reserve, I won't look for
it, I know it's there somewhere, if I have time when I've finish-

Addition 1
Metamark 1
Metamark: Note: A standard copy-editor\'s symbol - \'1 l # >\' - to indicate that a line space should be left between paragraphs.
  • Segments
  • Marginal Additions
  • Metamarks