[0233] No, I will not lie, I can easily conceive it. [0234] No matter, no matter,
let us go on, as if all arose from one and the same weariness,
on and on hoarding, until there is no room, no light, for anymore.
[0235] What is certain is that the man with the stick did not pass by
again that night, because I would have heard him, if he had.
[0236] I don't say I would have seen him, I say i would have heard him.
[0237] I sleep little and that little in the daytime. [0238] Oh not systematically,
in my life without end i have dabbled with every kind of sleep, but
at the time now coming back to me i took my doze in the daytime and,
what is more, in the morning. [0239] Let me hear nothing of the moon, in
my night there is no moon, and if it happens that I speak of the
stars it's inadvertently.
[0240] Now of all the noises that night not one
was of those heavy uncertain steps, or of that club with which he
sometimes smote the earth until it quaked. [0241] How agreeable it is to be
confirmed, after a more or less long period of vacillation, in one's
first impressions. [0242] Perhaps that is what tempers the pangs of death.
[0243] Not that i was so conclusively, I mean confirmed, in my first im-
pressions with regard to — [place = inline] []
wait — [place = inline] [
C. [0244] For the wagons and carts
which a little before dawn went thundering by, on their way to market
with fruit, eggs, butter [place = inline] , and perhaps cheese, in one of these perhaps
he would have been found, overcome by fatigue or by discouragement,
perhaps even dead.
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
Molloy © 2016 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Magessa O'Reilly, Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt