Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project


Segment 1

[1653] excrement. [1654] We underestimate this little hole, it seems to me, we call
it the arse-hole and affect to despise it.
[1655] But is it not rather the
true portal of our being, and the celebrated mouth no more than a
tradesmen's entrance.
[1656] Nothing goes in, or so little, that is not rejected
on the spot, or very nearly.
[1657] Almost everything revolts it that comes
from without and what comes from within does ntot seem to receive a very
warm welcome either.
[1658] Are not these significant facts. [1659] Time will tell.

Segment 2

[1660] But I shall do my utmost nonetheless to keep it in the background, in
the future.
[1661] And that will be easy, for the future is by no means uncertain,
the unspeakable future.
[1662] And when it comes to neglecting essentials, I
think I have nothing to learn, and indeed I confuse them with phenomena.
[1663] But to return to my weak points, let me say again that at the seaside
they had developed normally, yes, I had noticeed nothing abnormal.

Segment 3

[1664] Either
because I didn't pay enough attention to them, absorgbed as I was in the
metamorphosis of my excellent leg, or because there was in fact nothing
special to report, in this connection.

Segment 4

[1665] But I had hardly left the shore,
harried by the dread of waking one fine day, far from my mother, with
my two legs as stiff as my crutches, when they suddenlybeg began to
gallop, my weak points did, and their weakness became literally the
weakness of death, with all the disadvantages that this entails, when
they are not vital points.
[1666] I fix at this period the dastardly desertion
of my toes, so to speak in the thick of the fray.

Segment 5

[1667] You may object that
this is covered by the business of my legs, that it has no importance,
since in any case I could not put to the ground the foot in question.
[1668] I agree. [1669] But do you as much as know what foot we're talking about? [1670] No.
[1671] Nor I. [1672] Wait till I think. [1673] But you are right, that wasn't a weak point
properly speaking, I mean my toes, I thought they were in excellent trim,
apart from a few corns, bunions, ingrowing toe-nails and a tendency to
[1674] No, my true weak points were elsewhere. [1675] And if I do not draw up

  • Segments