[0930] moons, this moon I had just seen, I had forgotten who I was (excusably [place = inline] )
and spoken of myself as I would have of another, if I had been compelle [place = inline] d
to speak of another.
[0931] Yes it sometimes happens and will sometimes
happen again that I forget who I am and strut before my eyes, like a
[0932] Then I see the sky different from what it is and the earth
too takes on false colours.
[0933] It looks like rest, it is not, I vanish
happy in that alien light, which must have once been mine, I am willing
to believe it, then the anguish of return, I won't say where, I can't,
to ba [place = overwritten] absence perhaps, you must return, that's all I know, it's misery to
stay, misery to go.
[0934] The next day I demanded my clothes.
[0935] The valey [place = overwritten] t went
to find out.
[0936] He came back with the news they had been burnt. [0937] I
continued my inspection of the room.
[0938] It was at first sight a perfect
[0939] Through the lofty window I saw boughs.
[0940] They rocked gently, but
not all the time, shaken now and then by sudden spasms.
[0941] I noticed the
chandelier was burning.
[0942] My clothes, I said, my crutches,
[0943] forgetting my
crutches were there, against the chair.
[0944] He left me alone again, leaving
the door open.
[0945] Through the door I saw a big window, bigger than the
door which it overlapped entirely, and opaque.
[0946] The valet came back with
the news my clothes had been sent to the dyers, to have the shine taken
[0947] He held my crutches, which should have seemed strange to me, but
seemed natural to me, on the contrary.
[0948] I took hold of one and began to
strike the [place = supralinear] pieces of furniture with it, not very hard, just hard enough to
overturn them, without breaking them.
[0949] They were fewer than in the night.
[0950] To tell the truth I pushed them rather than struck them, I thrust at them,
I lunged, and that is not pushing either, but it's more like pushing
than striking.
- Segments
Molloy © 2016 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Magessa O'Reilly, Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt