[1096] gently.
[1097] Perhaps things have changed since.
[1098] So all I know is that it
was much the same weather when I left as when I came in, so far as I was
capable of knowing what the weather was.
[1099] And I had been under the weather
so long, under every weather [⁁]all weathers, that I could tell quite well between them,
my body could tell between them and seemed even to have its likes, its
[1100] I think I stayed in several rooms one after the other, or
alternately, I don't know.
[1101] In my head there are several windows, that
I do know, but perhaps it is always the same one, open variously on the
parading universe.
[1102] The house was fixed, that is perhaps what I mean by
these different rooms.
[1103] House and garden were fixed, thanks to some
unknown mechanism of compensation, and I, when I stayed still, as I did
most of the time, was fixed too, and when I moved, from place to place,
it was very slowly, as in a cage out of time, as the saying is, in the
jargon of the schools, and out of space too to be sure.
[1104] For to be out of
one and not out of the other was for cleverer than me, who was not clever,
but silly rather [⁁]foolish.
[1105] But I might [⁁]may be quite wrong.
[1106] And these different win-
-dows that open in my head, when I grope again among those days, really
existed perhaps and perhaps do still, in spite of my being no longer
there, I mean there looking at them, opening them and shutting them, or
crouched in a corner of the room marvelling at the objects [⁁]things they revealed [⁁]framed.
[1107] But I will not dwell on this episode, so ludicrously brief when you think
of it and so poor in substance.
[1108] For I helped neither in the house nor in
the garden and knew nothing of what work was going forward, day and night,
nothing save the sounds that came to me, dull sounds and sharp ones too,
and then often the sounds roar of air being vigorously churned, it seemed to
me, and which perhaps was nothing more than the sound of burning.
[1109] I
preferred the garden to the house, to judge by the long hours I spent
there, for I spent there the greater part of the day and of the night,
- Segments
Molloy © 2016 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Magessa O'Reilly, Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt