Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project


Segment 1

[1403] suddenly end, as far as I know, but gradually merge into one another.
[1404] And I never noticed anything of the kind, [1405] but however far I went, and
in no matter what direction, it was always the same sky, and [place = overwritten] [] [place = supralinear] always the same
earth, precisely, day after day and night after night.
[1406] On the other
hand, if it is true that regions gradually mere [place = overwritten] ge into one another, and
this remains to be proved, then I may well have left mine many times,
thinking I was still there [place = supralinear] []within it.

Segment 2

[1407] But I preferred to abide by my simple
feeling and its voice that said, Molloy, your region is vast, you have
never left it and you never shall.
[1408] And wheresoever you wander, within
its distant limits, things will always be the same, precisely.
[1409] It
would thus appear, if this is so, that my movements owed nothing to
the places they caused to vanish, but were due to something else, to
the buckled wheel that carried me, in unforeseeable jerks, from fatigue
to rest, and inversely, for example.

Segment 3

[1410] But now I do not wander any more,
anywhere any more, and indeed I scarcely stir at all, and yet nothing
is changed.
[1411] And the confines of my room, of my bed, of my body, are
as remote from me as were those of my region, in the days of my
[1412] And the cycle continues, joltingly, of flight and bivouac,
in an Egypt without bounds, without infant, without mother.

Segment 4

[1413] And when
I see my hands, on the sheet, which they love to floccillate already,
they are not mine, less than ever mine, I have no arms, they are a
couple, they play with the sheet, love-play perhaps, trying to get
up perhaps, one on top of the other.
[1414] But it doesn't last, I bring
them back, little by little, towards me, it's resting time.

Segment 5

[1415] And with
my feet it's the same, sometimes, whn [place = overwritten] en I see them at the foot of the
bed, one with toes, the other without.
[1416] And that is more deserving of
[1417] So [place = overwritten] [] [place = supralinear] For my legs, corresponding here to my arms of a moment ago,
are both stiff now and very sore, and I shouldn't be able to forget
them as I can my arms, which are more or less sound and well.
[1418] And yet

  • Segments