Digital Manuscript ProjectNot I / Pas moi

[0029] herself...wouldn't know if she heard...the [place = inline] n forgiven...
merciful God [place = margin left] ...tender every morning ...[0030]back in the field...could that be it?...
bound to it in the end...out with it in the end...say every-
thing go on long enought...then back in the field...face
buried in the grass...nothing but the larks...pick it up
there...get on with it from there...another few - ...what?...
not that?...nothing to do with that?...[⁁] [place = margin left] nothing she could say?...all right...something
else...think of something else...long after...not that either..
[0030]all right...something else on...hit on it in
the sned [place = supralinear] end...think everytg [place = overwritten] hing go on long enough...[0031]then back
in the - ...what?...not that?...nothing to do with that?...
nothing she could think...nothing she - ...what?...I [place = margin left] who?...what?
no!...she...tiny little thing [place = margin left] ...before her time...parents unknown...hole in
the love...spared that...speechless all her days...[⁁] [place = margin right] [B]
[0034]keep on trying...trying to...trying to what? [place = supralinear] not knowing what [place = margin left] hoping what...not knowing what.. ..what she was trying...whole body
like gone...only the face...keep on - ...whq [place = overwritten] at?...the buzzing?..
[0034]yes...all the time the [place = inline] !...the beam...on
and off... [place = margin left] poking far...ha!...keep on trying...
[0035](curat [place = overwritten] tain starts slowly down)...what?...trying what? [place = supralinear] not knowing
matter...keep on...hit on it in the end...then back...back
in the field...face in the grass...nothing but the larks...
pick it up -
[0036]Curtain full down. House dark. Voice continues behind curtain,
unintelligible, ten seconds, ceases as house lights up.
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
Not I / Pas moi © 2022 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: James Little and Vincent Neyt