Digital Manuscript ProjectFin de partie / Endgame

[1998] nothing! [1999] (Pause.) [2000] Not even a real
dog! [2001] (Calmer.) [2002] The end is the
beginning and yet one goes on. [2003] (Pause.)
[2004] Perhaps I could go on with my story,
end it and begin another. [2005] (Pause.)
[2006] Perhaps I could throw myself down [place = supralinear] out
on the floor.
[2007] (He lifts himself
painfully a little, falls back in his
seat.) [2008] Dig my nails into the cracks
and drag myself forward with my
fingers. [2009] (Pause.) [2010] It will [place = supralinear] 'll be the
end I'll there I'll be, wondering
what can have brought it about,
and wondering what can have...
(he hesitates)... why it was so
long coming.
[2015] I shall have
called my father and I shall have
called my... (he hesitates)... my
son. [2016] And even twice, or three times,
in case they should not have heard
me, the first time, or the second.
[2017] (Pause.) [2018] I'll say, He'll come back.
[2019] (Pause) [2020] And then? [2021] (Pause.) [2022] And then?
- Segments
Fin de partie / Endgame © 2018 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Shane Weller and Vincent Neyt