Digital Manuscript ProjectL'Innommable / The Unnamable

[0211] if I could relate it situate it in relation relate it to that of my abode.
[0212] Did I wait somewhere for this place to be ready to receive me?
[0213] Or did it wait for me to come and people it?[0214] By far the better
of these hypotheses, from the point of view of usefulness, is
the former, and I shall often have occasion to use it make use employ
of it.[0215] But both are distasteful.
[0216] I shall say therefore that our
beginnings coincide, that this place was made for me and I for it,
at the same instant.[0217] And the sounds I do not yet know have not
yet made themselves heard.[0218] But they will change nothing.[0219] The cry
changed nothing, even the first time.[0220] And my surprise.?[0221] I must have
been expecting it.
[0222] It is no doubt time I gacve a companion to Malone.[0223] But first I
shall tell of an incident that has only occurred once, so far.
[0224] I await its recurrence without impatience.[0225] Two shapes then, ob-
long like lman, entered into collision before me.[0226] They fell and I
saw them no more.[0227] I naturally thought of the pseudo-couple Mercier-
[0231] My
eyes being fixed always in the same direction, I can only see I
shall not say clearly, but as clearly as the visibility permits,
that which takes place directly immediately in front of me, that is to say,
in the present case before us, the collision, followed by the fall
and disappearance.
[0232] Of their approach I shall never obtain other
than a confused glimpse, out of the corner of the eye, and what an
eye.[0233] For they too must have arrived along a curve, two curves, and needless to say
say right up beside hard by against me.[0234] For the visibility, unless it is the state
of my eyesight, does only permits me to see what is right up beside hard by against
me.[0235] OI may add that my seat seems wd. seem to be somewhat raised elevated, in relation
to the surrounding ground, if ground is what it is.
[0239] In a word
- Segments
L'Innommable / The Unnamable © 2013 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Shane Weller and Vincent Neyt