Digital Manuscript ProjectMalone meurt / Malone Dies

[2126] wander over her gums, this rotten crucifix had assuredly its part.
[2127] But from these harmless aids what love is free?
[2128] Sometimes it is an
object, a garter I believe or a sweat-absorber for the armpit.
[2129] And
sometimes it is the simple image of a third party.
[2130] A few words in
conclusion on the decline of this liaison.
[2131] No, I can't.
[2132] Weary with my weariness, white last moon, sole regret, not even.
[2133] To be dead, before her, on her, with her, and turn, dead on dead,
about poor mankind, and never have to die any more, from among the
[2134] No [place = margin left] t even, not even that.
[2135] My moon was here below, far below,
the little I was able to desire.
[2136] And one day, soon, soon, one earth-
lit night, beneath the earth, a dying being will say, like me, in the
earthlight, Not even, not even that, and die, without having been
able to find a regret.
[2137] Moll.
[2138] I'm going to kill her.
[2139] She continued to look after Macmann,
but she was no longer the same.
[2140] When she had finished cleaning up
she sat down on a chair, in the middle of the room, and remained
without stirring.
[2141] If her [place = margin left] [₰] called her she went and perched on the edge
of the bed and even submitted to be titillated.
[2142] But it was obvious
her thoughts were elsewhere and her only wish to return to her chair
and resume the now familiar gesture of massaging her stomach, slowly,
weighing on it with her two hands. [2143] Sj [place = overwritten] he was also beginning to smell.
[2144] She had never smelt sweet, but between not smelling sweet and giving
off the smell she was giving off now there is a gulf.
[2145] She was also
subject to fits of vomiting.
[2146] Turning away, so that her lover should
only see her convulsive back, she vomited at length on the floor.
[2147] And these dejections remained sometimes for hours where they fell,
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
Malone meurt / Malone Dies © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt