Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies


Segment 1

[2347] he moved away from the bed. [2348] It was then I saw he was wearing
brown boots, which gave me such a shock as no words can convey.

[2349] They were copiously casked [place = supralinear] caked with fresh mud and I said to myself,
Through what sloughs has he had to toil to reach me?
[2350] I wonder if
he was looking for something in particular, it would be so nice to
[2351] I shall tear a page out of my exercise-book and reproduce
upon [place = margin left] it, from memory, what follows, and show it to him to-morrow,
or to-day, or some other day, if he ever comes back.

Segment 2

[2352] 1. Who are
u [place = overwritten] you?
[2353] 2. What do you do, for a living? [2355] 3. Are you looking for some-
thing in particular? 4. particular?
[2356] What else? [2357] 4. Why are you so
[2358] 5. Have I offended you? [2359] 6. Do you know anything about me?
[2360] 7. It was wrong of you to strike me. [2361] 8. Give me my stick. [2362] 9. Are
you your own employer?
[2363] 10. If not who sends you? [2364] 11. Put back my
things where you found them.
[2365] 12. Why has my soup been stopped?
[2366] 13. For what reason are my pots no longer emptied?

Segment 3

[2367] 14. Do you
think I shall last much longer?
[2368] 15. May I ask you a favour? [2369] 16.
Your conditions are mine.
[2370] 17. Why brown boots and whence the mud?
[2371] 18. You couldn't by any chance let me have the butt of a pencil?
[2372] 19. Number your answers. [2373] 20. Don't go, I haven't finished. [2374] Will
one page suffice?
[2375] There cannot be many left.

Segment 4

[2376] I might as well ask
for a rubber while I am about it.
[2377] 21. Could you lend me an India
[2378] When he had gone I said to myself, But surely I have seen
him somewhere before.
[2379] And the people I have seen have seen me too,
I can guarantee that.
[2380] But of whom may it not be said, I know that
[2381] Drivel, drivel. [2382] And then at evening morning is so far away.

Addition 1
  • Segments
  • Marginal Additions