Samuel Beckett
Digital Manuscript Project
Malone meurt / Malone Dies


Segment 1

[2572] this rought[] and ready cocoon he wore his cloak. He gathered it shiveri
shiveringly about him, with one hand, for he needed the other to help
him in his investigation of all that aroused his supspicions.
[2574] Good-
morning, good-morning, good-morning, he said, with a strong foreign
accaent and darting fearful glances all about him, fucking awful
business this, no, yes?
[2576] Sudden starts instantly repressed dislodged
hilm imperceptibly from his coign of maximum vantage in the centre
of the room.
[2577] What! he exclaimed.

Segment 2

[2578] His soup, examined drop by drop,
had been transferred in its entirety to his pot.
[2579] Anxiously he watched
Lemuel performing his office, filling and emptying.
[2580] Dreamt all night
of that bloody man Quin again, he said.
[2581] It was his habit to go out
from time to time, into the air.
[2582] Buat[] after a few steps he would halt
halt, totter, turn and hasten back into his cell, aghast at such
depths of opacity.

Segment 3

[2583] In the third a small thin man was pacing up and down, his cloak
folded over his arm, an umbrella in his hand.
[2584] Fine head of white
flossy hair.
[2585] He was asking himself questions in a low voice, re-
lflecting, replying.
[2586] The door had hardly opened when he made a dart
to get out,
[2587] for he spent his days ranging about the park in all
[2588] Without ptutting down his buclkets Lemuel sent him flying
with a toss of his shoulder.

Segment 4

[2589] He lay where he had fallen, clutching
his cloak and umbrella. Then, having recovered from his surprise, he
began to cry.
[2590] In the fourth a misshapen giant, bearded, occupied to
the exclusion of all esle [] in scratching himself, intermittently.

[2591] Sprawling on his pillow under the window on the floor under the

Addition 1
Metamark 1
Metamark: Note: Transposition symbol.
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  • Marginal Additions
  • Metamarks