Digital Manuscript ProjectMalone meurt / Malone Dies

[2774] cold.
[2775] But at the sight of the late sailors she fainted, which
caused her to fall.
[2776] Smash her!! screamed the Saxon.
[2777] She had rais-
ed her veil and was holding in her hand a tiny sandwich.
[2778] She must
have broken something in her fall, her hip perhaps, old ladies
often break their hips, for no sooner had she recovered her senses
than she began to moan and groan, as if she were the only being
on the face of the earth deserving of pity.
[2779] When the sun had
vanished, behind the hills, and the lights of the aland begun to
glitter, Lemuel made Macmann and the two others get into the boat
and got into it himself. Then they set out, from the shore, all six. all six, from the shore.
[2780] Gurgles of outflow.
[2781] This tangle of grey bodies ifs they.
[2782] Silent, dim, perhaps
cling[⁁]ing to one another, their heads buried in their cloaks,
they lie together in a heap, in the night.
[2783] They are far out
in the bay. Lemuel has shipped his oars, the oars trail in
ythe water.
[2784] The night is strewn with absurd
[2788] Lemuel is in charge, he raises his hatchet on which the blood
- Segments
- Marginal Additions
Malone meurt / Malone Dies © 2017 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project.
Editors: Dirk Van Hulle, Pim Verhulst and Vincent Neyt